Today, SKPN Team organized a tree plantation event at Pashan Hill Pune, and it was a tremendous success. Thanks to the participation and enthusiasm of our amazing team.

SKPN Team has always been committed to promoting sustainability and environmental consciousness. Our tree plantation event was a perfect opportunity for us to come together and contribute to a greener future. By planting trees we took a small but meaningful step towards combating climate change and creating a healthier environment for all.

During the event, our dedicated employees planted a variety of tree species that are well-suited to our local climate. We were guided by Vasundhara Swachata Abhiyan (VSA) Team who provided us with valuable knowledge on proper tree planting techniques and the importance of taking care of our green companions in the long run.

Special thanks to Mr. Rajesh Uttarwar for organizing and coordinating the event with such dedication and efficiency

We would like to extend heartfelt gratitude to all the participants who actively contributed to this event. Your commitment and enthusiasm were instrumental in making it a resounding success.

Together, we can create a brighter and greener future for generations to come.